All the protocols you'll ever need.
Multiple streams. A single connection.
Swell supports full HTTP2 multiplexing of requests and responses. HTTP requests to the same host will be sent over the same connection. Swell will attempt to initiate an HTTP2 connection for all HTTPS requests by default, but will revert to HTTP1.1 for legacy servers. Multiple concurrent streams are allowed for each connection.

Stay connected.
Server-sent Events (SSEs)
Initiated by a simple toggle box, Swell displays SSE events one by one as they come in. Similar to HTTP/2 streams, multiple open connection streams are allowed for SSE. **Currently being optimized for a future release**
Keeping in touch
Web Sockets
Swell enables connecting directly to WebSocket servers with an HTTP handshake. Developers can directly send data to the connected WS server in the form of simple strings or binary data. Messages and images are displayed in chatbox format, clearly indicating outgoing and incoming messages.

Queries, Mutations, Subscriptions
Swell includes full support for all three root types of GraphQL — queries, mutations, and subscriptions as well as Introspection - with and without variables. Smart code editor allows for easy query creation.
Bring Your Own Proto (BYOP)
Swell includes full support for all four streaming types of gRPC - unary, client stream, server stream, bidirectional stream. Developers can now pre-load a written proto document, or write a new proto within the code mirror!

Built In Test Suite Editor
Compose test suites in JavaScript with built in Chai-style TDD/BDD assertion syntax. Tests will resolve on response data and all results will appear in the new Test Response pane. **Currently being optimized for a future release**
Advanced Testing Capabilities
Connect to a Websocket server and test with a variety of data types: binary data (i.e. Binary Large oBjects or array buffers) and strings. Conveniently write mocha/chai assertion tests on data transfers. Further, export data logs as well as measure client/server latency.

Configuration Paradise
OpenAPI 3.1
Make API requests based on a range of provided options that are generated according to specifications defined in a yaml or json-formatted OpenAPI document.
Had to STUN on 'Em
WebRTC Peer to Peer Testing
Test low-latency peer-to-peer connections with video, audio, and text data transmission using a reliable generated SDP offer. Simply paste in your application's SDP answer and streamline innovation to your heart's content.

Type-safe API Integration
tRPC Testing
Utilize tRPC type-safe API technology and make custom query, mutation, and subscription requests to any tRPC server, improving the efficiency and scalability of your tRPC API services.
HTTP and GraphQL Preformance Testing
Stress Testing
Preform stress tests to both HTTP and GraphQL endpoints by sending a user selected number of batched requests per second over a selected period over time to a designated endpoint. The response will show useful metrics sucha as average response times, along with the hit and error rates.

Streamline Frontend Development
Mock Server
The new mock server feature in Swell empowers frontend developers to quickly create, modify, and test endpoints with user-defined responses, enabling seamless collaboration, accelerated development, and efficient testing without reliance on backend teams or hardcoded data.